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Dette website anvender cookies fra Google til at levere dets tjenester og analysere trafik. Din IP-adresse og brugeragent deles med Google sammen med effektivitets- og sikkerhedsmetrics. Dette sker for at sikre tjeneste-kvaliteten, generere brugs-statistik og registrere og håndtere misbrug.

Google states it added the above notice, citing Google Analytics and AdSense, to this log as a courtesy to help meet EU Cookies notification regulations.

Using Lynx on GNU/Linux, e.g., in uxterm 'lynx -display-charset=utf-8 URL' does not indicate any attempt to load cookies; though I must admit I have never enabled Google Analytics nor monetised this log.

It seems a bit ironic that loading this log in Dk doesn't result in cookie storage on a computer but loading does, yet the notice appears in graphics capable browsers when loading the former and not the latter.

No cookies are stored on a PC when loading this log,
loading however stores 1P_JAR
and NID.

sh-4.2$ date
Mon May 28 02:09:41 CEST 2018
sh-4.2$ firefox -v
Mozilla Firefox 15.0.1
sh-4.2$ rm -r .mozilla
sh-4.2$ firefox &
[1] 3351
sh-4.2$ ls .mozilla/firefox
f0kqhinl.default  profiles.ini
sh-4.2$ cp .mozilla/firefox/f0kqhinl.default/cookies.sqlite /tmp
sh-4.2$ sqlite3 /tmp/cookies.sqlite
SQLite version 3.7.13 2012-06-11 02:05:22
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
sqlite> .header on
sqlite> .mode csv
sqlite> .output cookies.csv
sqlite> SELECT * FROM moz_cookies;
sqlite> .quit
sh-4.2$ file cookies.csv
cookies.csv: empty
sh-4.2$ kill 3351
sh-4.2$ rm cookies.csv
[1]+  Terminated              firefox
sh-4.2$ rm /tmp/cookies.sqlite

sh-4.2$ rm -r .mozilla
sh-4.2$ firefox &
[1] 3490
sh-4.2$ ls .mozilla/firefox
profiles.ini  vz5iwu88.default
sh-4.2$ cp .mozilla/firefox/vz5iwu88.default/cookies.sqlite /tmp
sh-4.2$ sqlite3 /tmp/cookies.sqlite
SQLite version 3.7.13 2012-06-11 02:05:22
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
sqlite> .header on
sqlite> .mode csv
sqlite> .output cookies.csv
sqlite> SELECT * FROM moz_cookies;
sqlite> .quit
sh-4.2$ file cookies.csv
cookies.csv: ASCII text
sh-4.2$ kill 3490
sh-4.2$ rm cookies.csv
[1]+  Terminated              firefox
sh-4.2$ rm /tmp/cookies.sqlite
sh-4.2$ exit